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Meet the Maker - Hannah Katarski

Meet Hannah Katarski! The amazing Perth based illustrator, and creator of one our fave printsNight Flight. Hannah has always been a maker and loves working with traditional media; predominately watercolour, gouache and printmaking. She studied performing arts at university and now aims to balance her creative business with the business of raising two small humans, herding cats, and getting into the waves when the swell is up. 

Hannah was nice enough to chat all things career, creative process and decorating with us. Let's jump straight into it!

Q. How would you describe your artwork to someone who’s never seen it?

A. Happy, colourful, and detailed. A little bit of summer to hang on your wall.

Q. What do you hope people get from your artwork?

A. I want it to take them on a journey. Whether they are transported to a boho campsite, or can see themselves embarking on a road trip. I like to connect with emotions of excitement and anticipation. Sometimes, it’s about a bit of magic that reminds you of the little wonders in the world.

Q. Can you describe your personal home decorating style?

A. I’m really conflicted in this area. Aesthetically, I love a maximalist, bohemian look, but I think it clashes with my need for order and calm in my home. One day I’ll strike a balance!

Q. What’s your favourite item at home/your most treasured possession (functional or decorative)?

Q. A lovely, heart shaped, venetian glass mirror I have in my bathroom.

Q. What (other than art) are you passionate about, and can you tell us a bit about it?

A. If you’ve spoken to me for more than five minutes, you’ll know that I love surfing. It is more than a sport; it is an addiction for most of us. I started surfing at 25, even though I grew up with a champion surfer as a father. Eventually I saw the light. It really helps me re-centre and I find it quite a spiritual experience, communing with nature. I could write about it all day, but surfing has brought me a beautiful tribe of women who are now my best friends. It has taken me to California, Hawaii, Biarritz, Lombok, up and down both sides of Australia, and to the Maldives. It has gifted me with some of the most beautiful moments of my life; sharing waves with friends and with dolphins, swimming with sea lions, and floating in the ocean, under rainbows, in rain, hail and in the sunshine.

Q. What’s your favourite quote or saying?

A. “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” - Pablo Picasso

Q. Something I have a particular interest in is human resilience - Can you tell us about a challenge in your life that turned out to be a blessing?

A. The older I get, the more clearly I see how all my past experiences jigsaw together to equip me for today’s challenges. I studied performing arts at university and wanted to perform in musical theatre professionally. That didn’t work out, but the skills I’ve learned from rehearsing and performing have been transferrable to my other jobs. When you have had to sing opera in Danish, giving a speech in English no longer seems so scary. After coordinating high school performances, hanging an art exhibition feels pretty chilled out. I also trained and worked as a teacher. While I no longer work in a classroom, those skills have given me the confidence to teach art in person and through Skillshare classes online.

